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Samhain Celebration

Pronounced SOW-en ~ it is the start of the dark half of the ancient Celtic year. The veil between the worlds is at its most sheer. It is believed that the dead return to visit the living at this time, whether as nurturing ancestors or woeful ghosts. This marks our final Event #13 in our 13 Nights of Halloween series!

In Welsh tradition, it is the 3rd and last of the Three Spirit Nights (Beltane, Midsummer, & Samhain) and marks the midpoint between the fall equinox and the winter solstice. It is the perfect time for any kind of spell casting, whether solitary or with a coven, for divination and for honoring one’s ancestors.

This date also marks the “beginning” of the agricultural calendar and is considered a better New Years Eve for setting intentions and “planting seeds” so to speak.

Our Samhain Celebration includes:

  • themed cocktails

  • vintage Hallow’s Eve films with a special Director’s Cut of a sweded Young Frankenstein

  • free supplies to write your New Year Resolutions for better results than you’ll get in January!

This event is FREE to attend and will be on-going during our hours of operation! Join us!

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